Thursday , 27 March 2025

Interview with Scarlet Anger (English)

Hier ist die deutsche Version

Scarlet Anger is a Luxembourgish Thrash Metal band which was founded in 2007 by vocalist Joe Block and guitarist Fred Molitor. The band plays thrash metal with remarkable melodies and choruses to scream along

After a demo and two EPs Scarlet Anger signed a deal with the label ”Dust On The Tracks

Their second EP “Kill The King” was able to achieve some great notes such as 8/10 on, 5/5 on or 4/5 on Moreover they appeared in magazines like Metal Hammer, RockHard, Legacy and Heavy.

Their first album “Dark Reign” was released on May 11th 2012. After all songs have been recorded and mixed at „Scarlet Anger Studios“ by guitarist Fred Molitor who created the artwork as well, the mastering was done by Jeff Waters from Thrash Metal legends Annihilator in “Watersound Studios”.

via Scarlet Anger Official Website

Simon interviews Vince Niclou, the bassist of the band.  Simon is Der Metal Krieger’s German correspondent, making us officially international.

Simon: Lets start with the beginnings of Scarlet Anger. How was the band founded?

Vince: Hi! The band was founded in 2007 by Joe Block and Fred Molitor. They have been friends for a long time and played  together in other bands before Scarlet Anger. But then the time came to start a real metal band – that was how Scarlet Anger was born. Right now, the lineup is: Joe Block as vocalist, Fred Molitor and Jeff Buchette as guitarists, Alain Flammang as drummer and me, Vince Niclou, as bass guitarist. We are playing with this lineup for 3 years now.

Simon: What band influences you the most, and how would you describe the band?

Vince: That’s hard to say. We’ve all been metalheads since we were kids and it’s hard to limit it to just one band. However, Scarlet Anger should be classified a classic Thrash Metal band.

Simon: Recently, you have released your first Full-Length Album. How did the press and your fans react?

Vince: The reaction was very good! Almost daily, we get new reviews, from online fanzines and from the biggest real metal magazines. I think the fans share their opinion. Of course its great to see how the hard work in the studios and with the song writing is appreciated. We all hoped that we will have success with the Dark Reign Album, but we were really surprised in a positive way with all those top-reviews we got.

Simon: What do you do in your spare time, except for making music?

Vince: Except for making music, I really like to drive with my motorcycle, that’s really good to unwind. And, we try to stay fit with sports. What succeeds more or less… ;-) and, of course, we like to party. With lots of beer, as is right and proper.

Simon: Are there any funny or remarkable moments, you’d like to share with us?

Vince: A concert can be a long day, and there are many strange situations we had. Just recently, our vocalist Joe sat on the toilet, when suddenly he heard a strange rustling and then noticed how a big fat rat came climbing up the toilet. When he ran to us with lowered pants and told what just happened, we almost died of laughter. Very awesome. ;-)

Simon: For what band would you like to open for?

Vince: For any bigger band. You gain a lost of experience when you are on stage with guys whose music you listen to for years. Personally, I’d like to open for Iron Maiden. They are my favorite band. But if there would be the chance to open for Metallica, Kreator, AC/DC etc., we would be available.

Simon: Soon, you’ll share the stage with Rage and Overkill. How does that feel?

Vince: Sadly, the Out Loud Festival was postponed for different reasons, but the new date will be announced soon. But how I said, you gain a lost of experience and motivation when you share the stage with great bands like those. You feel approved with your work.

Simon: What plans do you have for your future?

Vince: Working hard! And to play on as many concerts as possible, of course. We want to grow bigger and get many new fans. We already started to work on new material. Our singer says: “Standing still would be death. ” I think he’s right with that. End of this year, Scarlet Anger will hit the recording studio again. For 2013 we planned a new CD. You can be curious ;-)

Simon: Any last words to our fans?

Vince: Metal fans are the best fans! Thanks for your support, we hope to see you on our concerts. MAXIMUM METAL, OUR FRIENDS!


You can check out Scarlet Anger on their Facebook page.

About Jaraad

Kittens...everywhere! I need a life

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