Sunday , 30 March 2025

Melkor Mortis from Mordor chats with Talvi

Mordor is a Pagan Metal band based in Santa Ana, CA.  Melkor Mortis is the headstrong frontman of the band, and he took the time to answer a few questions that Talvi had.

Mordor Banner 1/2012

Melkor: Hello, This is Melkor Hammerheart Mortis, vocalist and guitarist and thank you for having us!

Talvi: It is a great pleasure to be able to interview an American band, with a strong passion for folk metal.   So tell me, how did this all start?

Melkor: The band was formed in mid-2008 and made a different approach and impact within the metal scene. With a strong passion and love for folklore, mythology, paganism and fantasy, this was the perfect opportunity to make an impact and bring a new element and environment. Mordor is not a band that plays music just for the sake of playing music. Our lyrical content is just as important as the music we write.

Talvi: I see that your name, Mordor, is straight from The Lord of the Rings series.  Does LOTR play a huge       role in the band’s music?

Melkor: The band is inspired by The Lord of the Rings, and the visual and vibe that the name Mordor portrays I feel can best describe our sound but it is not a huge factor within the band’s music writing. It does however, for me personally.

Talvi: In terms of music, is it one person’s job to write the lyrics and music, or does everyone contribute to everything?

Melkor: The creativity flows within us all. There are no assigned jobs in Mordor, everyone incorporates their own touch. Be it a full song, riffs, lyrics, or even a lyrical line. I do however write the majority of the lyrics.

Talvi: After spending time practicing your songs, and looking to play in shows, were you nervous for your first show? If so, how nervous were you?

Melkor: We played our first show on June 11, 2011. Three years after the bands formation so of course I was nervous, we all were but we were ready nonetheless, anxious and eager to finally storm the stage and let our war cries be heard!

Talvi: Of course myself being a Mordor fan, how has the audience reacted to your music? Ever have any interesting fan experiences?

Melkor: Thank you! The response we receive is incredible! We have a very energetic and loyal crowd that supports what we do and what we stand for. I know that is what every musician and band hopes for and we are very fortunate to have that. There is no better feeling than seeing and hearing the crowd cheering your name, chanting, giving you everything they have and appreciating and enjoying music that is written from the heart. The best experience regarding fans that I have had is seeing them dress up and wear the war paint, which is something we use onstage. When seeing that it enhances our performance, it makes it much more enjoyable. Seeing someone come to your show in attire and paint you realize that you are not just a band they listen to, but rather a band that means something to them and that feeling is more satisfying than seeing a crowd of people wearing a shirt with your bands’ logo on it.

Talvi: Now I know you have recorded music for a demo. How was the recording process?

Melkor: Yes, we have one demo as of now and the recording process was fun! We all were extremely excited to finally be able to listen to our creation on audio than just us playing in our rehearsal room. There were no difficulties in producing the demo. We rehearsed each song immensely and were confident in all the hard work that was put into recording and we are very proud of the outcome and positive feedback it has received.

Talvi: Is there an album in the works for the near future, or any merch to be added onto the site?

Melkor: We will be entering the studio this year to record our first official release. There are a few ideas for merchandise and some are in the works. I will post all details regarding the release and merch on the bands website so be on the lookout!

Talvi: Now this question is out of straight curiosity: If you could open for any band, who would it be and why?

Melkor: Ensiferum, Amon Amarth and Turisas are my choices. It would be an honor to perform with them because they have been my biggest influences with both music and lyric. I can see, hear and feel the passion and thrive they have in each song and it is something I find to be very influential and beautiful because I too share that same passion and feel it deeply within my heart and soul.

Talvi: On a different note, what does Mordor like to do in their free time?

Melkor: We are four simple guys who enjoy the little things in life and we take advantage of opportunities but never take them for granted.

Talvi: Any interesting/ funny stories that has happened to you or the band?

Melkor: There has not been any that I can recall.

Talvi: Do you have any last words to say to your fans?

Melkor: Thank you for taking the time to read this! Your support is greatly appreciated by us all! Keep supporting Nordic metal! See you at the gigs! Last but not least….FEED THE HORDE! THE INVASION HAS BEGUN!

Footage from their first performance:

Here’s their Official Facebook Page and website.

About Jaraad

Kittens...everywhere! I need a life

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