Tuesday , 25 March 2025

Interview with Michael Lessard of Last Chance to Reason

Howdy fellow metalheads, my name is Gabe Cavaliere and I have a love for metal, both old and new. Nowadays it is so hard to find a new band that really puts a new and interesting spin on a genre that gives a band a definitive sound. Last Chance to Reason’s new album Level 2, is in my opinion, one of the best albums of 2011 because it is able to mix many different influences in the progressive metal genre that gives them a fresh sound. Check out this interview that I did with Michael Lessard, the lead singer of Last Chance to Reason. Buy Level 2 and check them out on the Shockwave Festival, as well as bands like Revocation and the legendary Fear Factory and Voivod. Thanks for looking and stay brutal!

Gabe:I would thoroughly like to thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to do this, all of Der Metal Krieger thanks you

Michael: Thanks for caring enough to have us do this interview!

Gabe: Your new album, Level 2, was such an incredible album. What bands helped to influence this album and how did they do that?

Michael: King Crimson was a big influence. The way they’re constantly evolving and pushing the limits rhythmically and harmonically with their music is really something else. They manage to be so abstract, yet digestible. Dream Theater is another band that was a huge inspiration on the process. You can’t really make a prog album without Dream Theater playing a role in the influence department. Planet X, Opeth, Cynic, Alan Holdsworth, Necrophagist, Brian Eno, Pantera, Kurt Rosenwinkel, and a handful of others influenced us as well. All of us are so different when it comes to musical taste, so it can be difficult to list bands and musicians that influenced us as a whole.

Gabe: Now unlike any of your other albums, this album is a concept album based on a video game you guys basically created, how did the idea of the game become come to life and what games help to influence the creation of the game, “Level 2”?

Michael: Evan (our drummer) came up the idea based off our love for video games, progressive metal, and concept albums. As for inspiration for the game, we drew that from games like Super Metroid, R-Type, Lords of Thunder, and Metal Slug.


Gabe: What are your favorite video games, any in particular influence your game?

Michael: Super Smash TV for SNES is my all-time favorite game. It’s similar to our game in the sense that you constantly have to be alert, but wasn’t a main source of influence. Maybe it will be in a future level?

Gabe: Level 2 is the only album that has a great use of synth, what is the overall response to this compaired to Last Chance to Reason’s other albums?

Michael: It seems to be mostly positive. You’re always going to have people who don’t like something. It’s music, it’s subjective, and we’re very aware of that.

Gabe: You guys come from Augusta, Maine which is a very small town, what was the local music scene like there and what do you guys miss most rurally about your hometown?

Michael: The music scene in Augusta is non-existent. There is a small art school, University of Maine in Augusta, which a few of our current and former members earned their degrees in jazz composition at. Maine has a few venues scattered throughout the state, but lacks a scene that really thrives.

Gabe: You guys have toured with big names such as Animals as Leaders, Protest the Hero, Obscura, and Dying Fetus which are major accomplishments. How does it feel to come from a small town and being able to
have fans from around the world know and love your band (such as myself)?

Michael: It feels amazing! Our main goal has always been to make music that we love and that challenges us, so to have other people love it too is that much more rewarding. I’ve been making music and touring for so long prior to Level 2 that it’s surreal to be playing in front of large crowds now!

Gabe: On your Facebook, you’ve guys announced that your in the studio to create you next upcoming album, what can fans expect from the new album?

Michael: We’re currently in the pre-production stages of the album and will be entering the studio this fall. Fans can expect a more matured form of Last Chance to Reason on the next album. This last year of touring has changed us tremendously as a band for the better, which I think it will show. I’ll be cheesy and say expect the unexpected.

Gabe: Your band just announced that they will be on tour with the legendary Fear Factory and Sci-fi thrash legends Voivod for the Shockwave Festival, with an amazing mixture of bands like Cattle Decapitation to Vildhjara. Are you guys excited to be back on the road?

Michael: I personally love the road! For some bands it’s just a means to an end, but for us it’s a way to perform daily, meet amazing people, watch great bands, and most importantly focus on being a musician.

Gabe: Finally, what does the future hold for you and the band?

Michael: I’ve been working on not worrying about the future too much, that way I can enjoy the now. I do know we’ll continue to make music, so hopefully people will continue to listen.

Gabe: Thank you for your time, its been our pleasure

Michael: Thanks for giving us the time!

About Jaraad

Kittens...everywhere! I need a life

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